We really need your help this summer, more than ever, to be able to continue hosting Bluemont in Ashland and this is done, in large part by your donations and memberships. In case you're wondering, your admission ($5, $4 for Bluemont friends and seniors, $2 children under 12) goes directly to fund the Artists-In-Education programs, which benefit our schools in Ashland by providing Bluemont performers at a reduced cost. How neat! So, funds from memberships and donations are what enable Bluemont to pay the performers, pay the staff, business operations, publicity, and travel expenses. With the current state of the economy, grants are being cut and federal and state money has become very limited.
Please take a minute to come over to the Friends Table and learn about more benefits of membership and donor levels. We'll be there and would love to answer all of your questions.
Thanks so much!