The music was just as I had hoped-energetic, light-hearted, and two amazing long sets! Thank you, thank you to Daryl and his band. I danced so much that I had to sit down in the grass a few times just to catch my breath-by the end of night, my legs were rubbery and my dress felt as though I had just jumped out of the shower fully clothed! Kids were dancing, two brave gentleman sang their way through 'Leroy Brown' and everyone seemed to have an enjoyable night.
Thank you SO much to all of our volunteers-Lily and Hannah Dunning took some time during intermission to give flowers to the volunteers that have given their time and talents to making this summer such a big success. We couldn't do it without you! We certainly missed Jen Chambers, my faithful co-chair and look forward to more concerts next summer!
While there are no more concert happenings to write about, I'll be writing periodically over the next couple of months to update our fundraising news-at this point, we're about $5,000 towards our $11,000 goal. I'm hopeful that more donations will be coming in as everyone around Ashland and other similar communities receive fundraising letters-we'd really appreciate your support!
We'd sure miss Bluemont next summer...thanks everyone!