Tuesday, August 13, 2013

We need your help reaching our fundraising goal!

Each summer, Bluemont in Ashland has a fundraising goal to meet to be able to continue to support the summer concerts!  Your Bluemont membership is SO important and makes such a great impact on reaching that each summer.  This year, our goal is $8,000 and we're about half way there.  "How do I become a Bluemont member?" you may be wondering.  It's easy! There are a few ways to suit your needs- check them out:

*visit us at a concert- we're at the Friend's Table and can answer all of your questions there as well as help you fill out a membership form
*check out www.bluemont.org and become a member on-line
*give us a call and we'll help you through the process by phone
*drop a check in the mail after visiting the website and reading about the membership benefits

Your gift to Bluemont is VERY appreciated- becoming a Bluemont member is a super way to show your support!
Thank you and we look forward to your membership and seeing you at the next show!

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